Trade Reform

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Australia must be able to trade on an equal basis with all nations


Currently, international trade is facilitated by having one dominant currency – the US Dollar. This system has been increasingly abused by the USA and a complete financial collapse has been predicted. This would put Australia in a very precarious financial position.

What is needed now to facilitate international trade is a non-profit bank (see Monetary Policy) for international settlements or clearing house with the power to impose sanctions on nations that allow wide fluctuations (in either deficit or surplus) to their balance of payments.

In other words Australia will not go into debt.

We will initiate a referendum to bring in a law to control imports and exports. If a need arises for imports to exceed export value, this change to the Constitution will impose a necessity to reduce imports or increase exports to meet that need.

The inability to produce might be temporary or permanent and may be due to lack of material, lack of expertise, drought, flood or simply a surge in demand. Inability due to lack of capital shall be overcome by the central bank. Decisions on whether production of any item in Australia, when compared to importing, is “economic” shall be decided taking cognisance of  the hidden costs of imports and the advantages of keeping money circulating in the Australian economy.

The import/export law will require the government to review all trade and defense agreements, in particular those imposed on Australia by the UN — TPP, The Lima Agreement, GATT, etc.’

The law will mandate that the government tear up or renegotiate from a position of strength any agreements that unfairly penalise Australian producers or manufacturers, or that seek to create conditions that would enable the destruction of our sovereignty to bring in a One World Government (Agenda 21).

Australia will be friends and a fair trading partner with all nations willing to do business with Australia. We should never accept unfair trade agreements that do not benefit Australians.

Imports and Exports Guiding Principles

  1. We will seek to initiate referendums to bring in laws so that the People shall be able to and encouraged to continually strive for self-sufficiency.
  2. Only those items Australia cannot produce shall be imported without tariff. Coupled with the changes to the banking system, we envisage a gradual increase in industries capable of producing almost all our requirements.
  3. Imports and exports shall be controlled by the issue of import and export licenses.
  4. Tariffs shall be imposed on imports to ensure they do not unfairly impact on Australian manufacturers and to keep prices at an affordable level.
  5. Australian farmers and produce shall be given first priority. Subsidies will be given to ensure farmers do not suffer when competing against foreign imports.
  6. Maximum value to Australian society shall be gained from exports by “value adding” wherever possible.
  7. Imports shall not exceed the value of exports.
  8. All contracts for overseas trade shall be negotiated and written in Australian dollars.

Military and Defense

  1. We shall review and renegotiate if needed all defense agreements, giving first preference always to Australian business.
  2. We should not allow any agreements to continue that unfairly impact on Australian arms and munitions manufacturers.



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