The current political party system is not working. Politicians do not represent the people. Instead, they carry out party policy without referring to the voters who elected them. This has resulted in a dictatorial-style system of government that denies We the People a voice in our own government.

Our political institutions derive their power from the people. We the People are the government, but we have forgotten this because the political parties have fed us lies for so long.
This is not just rhetoric. It is enshrined in our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900-1. The first words of the Preamble establish only We the People as the supreme power in our nation:
“WHEREAS the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and under the Constitution hereby established“
Therefore, We the People need a better, more inclusive system of government to serve the needs of the nation, governed by the people for the people.
To achieve this, we propose reforming our electoral system, while still maintaining the structure mandated by the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, so that we can elect independent representatives of the people who are directly accountable to the people, as stated in Sections 7 and 24:
7. The Senate shall be composed of senators for each State, directly chosen by the people of the State, voting, until the Parliament otherwise provides, as one electorate….
But until the Parliament of the Commonwealth otherwise provides, the Parliament of the State of Queensland, if that State be an Original State, may make laws dividing the State into divisions and determining the number of senators to be chosen for each division, and in the absence of such provision the State shall be one electorate.
Until the Parliament otherwise provides there shall be six senators for each Original State. The Parliament may make laws increasing or diminishing the number of senators for each State, but so that equal representation of the several Original States shall be maintained and that no Original State shall have less than six senators.
The senators shall be chosen for a term of six years, and the names of the senators chosen for each State shall be certified by the Governor to the Governor-General
24. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members directly chosen by the people of the Commonwealth, and the number of such members shall be, as nearly as practicable, twice the number of the presentative senators.
The number of members chosen in the several States shall be in proportion to the respective numbers of their people, and shall, until the Parliament otherwise provides, be determined, whenever necessary, in the following manner:-
(i.) A quota shall be ascertained by dividing the number of the people of the Commonwealth, as shown by the latest statistics of the Commonwealth, by twice the number of the senators :
(ii.) The number of members to be chosen in each State shall be determined by` dividing the number of the people of the State, as shown by the latest statistics of the Commonwealth, by the quota; and if on such division there is a remainder greater than one-half of the quota, one more member shall be chosen in the State.
Our Constitution clearly states that only we, the People of the Commonwealth can choose our representatives. We should be able to do this by selecting and voting for them directly.
However, the poliical parties have usurped our freedom of choice. Instead, they select their own candidates who adhere to the political party private corporate constitution…not our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901. This is why politicians rarely, if ever, keep any promises they make while standing for election. They can’t. The political parties tell them how to vote instead.
Although Independent candidates can still stand for election, we have seen how easily they are corrupted by the political parties because they have no power to effect change on their own.
By allowing the political parties to take this power we have lost any control over our government. We need a new type of government that still operates under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
We propose eliminating the Senate completely, as direct representation and dynamic elections will make it possible for the People to directly oversee and approve any changes to the Constitution or Legislation whenever required.
Qualifications of our Representatives
Our Constitution is very clear about who may be elected to the Parliament. It states in S.16 & S.34 that anyone who is a member of the Commonwealth may sit in the Australian Parliament. This includes anyone born anywhere in the Commonwealth. Section 16 sets the same qualifications as in section 34.
SECTION: 34. Until the Parliament otherwise provides, the qualifications of a member of the House of Representatives shall be as follows –
- He (She) must be of the full age of twenty-one years and must be an elector entitled to vote at the election of members of the House of Representatives, or a person qualified to become such elector, and must have been for three years at the least a resident within the limits of the Commonwealth as existing at the time when he is chosen.
- He (She) must be a subject of the Queen, either natural-born or for at least five years naturalized under a law of the United Kingdom, or of a Colony which has become or becomes a State, or of the Commonwealth, or of a State
The people may decide to hold a referendum to amend this in the Constitution.
A Chronology of Events
Before we can start to discuss reforming our government system, we need to understand what has gone on before that has resulted in the mess we are in today.
- 1901 Australia became a Federation of six states under English Common Law, the English Bill of Rights, and the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901. These all form our Supreme Law. Federation did not create a sovereign, independent nation. Australia was, and remains, a British Colony. Federation only created a government system, subject to the British Crown, that gave us some autonomy. However, the political parties have worked tirelessly over the last 100 years to destroy our rights and freedoms in an attempt to establish an Australian Republic.
- 1915 Federal income tax was first introduced in 1915, in order to help fund Australia’s war effort in the First World War. Between 1915 and 1942, income taxes were levied at both the state and federal level. The Taxation Administration Act 1953 was assented to on 4 March 1953, but no Referendum was called to ask the Australian people. The ATO has never produced any Constitutional amendment to show We the People assented to be taxed. The ATO is IN TREASON
- 1919 Labor PM Billy Hughes signed Australia on as a founding member of the League of Nations which would later become the United Nations. Hughes did not ask the Australian people to vote in a referendum, as required by S.128 of the Constitution if a fundamental change is to be made to the Constitution = TREASON
- 1930 Sir Otto Niemier, Chairman of the Bank of England, stole the Commonwealth Bank of Australia by browbeating the Labor Prime Minister into handing over the bank, assets and all, to the international banking cartel. The majority of Assets consisted of the savings of millions of ordinary Australians. For more information, read this: The Story of the Commonwealth Bank
- 1960 The last Crown-appointed Governor General, Sir WIlliam Slim, retired. All governor generals since then have been chosen and appointed by the Parliament. While the Queen still sends her Letters Patent appointing each GG, the Parliament deletes her Crown Seal and stamps the Letters Patent with their own Australian Parliament seal, which is a functionary seal, not to be used to enact laws or crown appointments = TREASON
- 1966 PM Robert Menzies and Federal Treasurer Harold Holt made a unilateral decision (no referendum) to change our money from Pounds as mandated in the Constitution) to decimal currency. They sent our troops as collateral for the loan to Vietnam to fight against a people we had no quarrel with. A referendum is mandated for any change to the Constitution, No referendum was held to ask us if we wanted to change to decimal currency = TREASON
- 1967 A referendum changed the status of the Original People to become full-fledged members of the Commonwealth of Australia, able to vote and live their lives like every other Australian. They are therefore entitled to the same benefits and to abide by the same laws as all other Australians. Calls by deluded original people ‘leaders’ for special ‘rights’ and the return of land that never belonged to them in the first place are therefore divisive and unconstitutional = TREASON
- 1973 PM Whitlam amended the Royal Styles and Titles Act to take the Crown out of the Constitution. He also changed many other Acts guaranteed by our Constitution without a referendum = TREASON
- 1974 a referendum asked if we would give the Commonwealth powers to borrow money for, and to make financial assistance grants directly to, any local government body. We voted NO.
- 1986 Bob Hawke, a man with one share in the Commonwealth of Australia, brought in the Australia Act without Crown approval or a referendum vote of the people = TREASON
- 1988 a referendum to ask the people to recognize local government in the Constitution. We voted NO. Local councils have no authority to tax or fine anyone = TREASON
It has become clear that the political parties have hijacked our political system, and that their Federal/States system is not working in the interests of the People. These political parties each have their own Constitution, and all political party members must vote according to the dictates of their party. This is why they ignore the will of the people.
Therefore, we need to reform the electoral system so that we can create a better, more representative type of government; a government that truly represents we, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia.
The Proposed Government Structure:
As more people are reclaiming their common law rights by joining local common law assemblies, there is a growing awareness that the people of the Commonwealth of Australia alone have the power to tell our Parliamentary representatives what we want them to do.
However, since the political parties have taken control of our Parliament, and force us to vote for their representatives, we, the People of the Commonwealth, have no say in our government.
But with the growing establishment of Common Law Assemblies around the country, the old political party corporate dictatorial style of government is being eroded and will soon fade into oblivion.
In the system we propose, each voter will have one vote. There will be no preferential voting. Representatives will by chosen by the people of a community, aided by a common law assembly. Each representative will be directly accountable to the people of their community and can be recalled and replaced at any time should they not perform their duties as required by the electors.
The system we propose will create a government structure with a clear separation of powers between the Parliament, the Executive, the Church, and the Judicature, like this:

These proposed changes to the Electoral System require a Referendum vote before being implemented. If the referendum fails, the present system will remain in place.
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What will our new government look like?
- If the referendum is successful, State Governments will be replaced by Regional Governments.
- Independent candidates for election will be chosen from citizens in each electorate. With only 5,000 voters in each electorate candidates will be able to interact directly with voters.
- By selecting independent representatives We the People will be able to elect true representatives of the people.
- Each unicameral Regional Government will consist of one representative each from the 50 electorates to serve a Region of approximately 250,000 voters. This will immediately reduce the number of people in government, and result in more efficient management of community resources.
- We also propose that these representatives sit at a round table to avoid any bipartisan grouping.
- If a representative does not perform to the expectations of the voters they can be recalled and a new election immediately called in that electorate.
- Federal and Regional Representatives will sit in their respective Parliamentary chambers three weeks out of every month, and then return to their electorates to hold consultations with voters. The results of these consultations will guide representatives when they return to Parliament or Regional Government to vote on laws.
How Regional Executive Government Works
Each Regional Government shall appoint an Executive consisting of a popularly elected Regional Chief Executive Officer (Mayor) and the Executive Officers of Regional Government Departments. The Executive shall be directly accountable to the Regional Government, and will submit financial and works plans to the Regional Government at least every three months for consideration and a vote after consulting with electors. The electorate will determine how often the people require the Executive to report to the regional government.
The Regional Government will be tasked with ensuring that public funds are allocated for regional and community projects, and to oversee spending to deter corruption and waste. This will ensure transparency and eliminate corruption.
The Executive staff will be chosen from a pool of the best and most efficient employees of the current local councils, allowing the “dead wood” to be discarded.
Regional Government Duties
At the Regional level the structure shall include:
- A unicameral Assembly, that is a single body of 50 representatives, directly accountable to the voters in their electorate.
- An Executive local council directly accountable to the Assembly, consisting of a Chief Executive Officer and the Executive Officers and their employees of Regional Public Service Departments. Local Councils will be rolled into one Regional Council to provide services to the region.
The delivery of public services by Regional governments shall be seamless across the nation. Any resident of one Region shall have access to the same public services in any other Region without detriment.
Regional Executives will be responsible for the delivery of all public services except those specifically allocated to the Federal National Executive by the Constitution.
Delivery of public services shall be in accord with National policy and procedures except as specifically approved by the National Parliament in special circumstances.
Constrained only by National policy and procedures, Regional implementation responsibilities shall include the following:
Health Hospitals Aged care Child protection Mental health Education The environment Water, drainage and sewerage Rubbish and recycling Law and order (Each Region shall have elements of the National judicature and the National Police Force) Penal institutions Recreation, parks and gardens Wildlife protection Domestic animal welfare and control Regional roads, railways and waterways Regional airports and heliports Vehicle Records and safety checks Town planning | Road Safety education and driver training (no fines may be imposed without the people’s approval by vote) Building regulations Welfare Employment Work place health and safety Primary production Regional Fisheries Manufacturing Mining Heritage Recording of births, deaths and marriages Energy Emergency services Community Services Collecting Property Title Levies Elections, and Training Sheriffs and Police |
Public utilities belong to the people. They were created and intended to provide a service for the betterment of society. The very purpose of a public utility is that it is not there to make a profit for a few; it is there to provide an essential service to the people of the Commonwealth of Australia. It was conceived for the people, by the people, as all other means either did not exist or could not be entrusted to provide a fair and equitable service to all.
Privatization of essential Public Assets must not only be stopped, but reversed. Taking back control of our public assets will be one of the first priorities of a Constitutional Government as established by the people.
Law and Order Defense National Security Foreign Affairs Customs Immigration Quarantine Overseas Trade (Imports & Exports), negotiating trade deals that benefit the nation The National Economy Citizenship Energy Taxation Fiscal Policy Monetary Policy Land Mining | Fisheries (including inland fisheries) Postal services Telecommunications (including the Internet) Banking & Commerce Intellectual Property Patents National Statistics Transportation Maritime Operations and Sea lanes National Infrastructure, including: * Roads (the primary links between Regions) * Railways (other than intra-Regional) – (all rail gauges to be standardised) * Bus and other public transport * Air Traffic Control & Air Safety * Airports Water Ports . |
Staggered Elections:
Elections of representatives at both the national and the regional levels shall be staggered to provide continuity and to ensure a continuous flow of new representatives, as well as retaining experienced representatives to guide newcomers.
This arrangement of “staggered” elections has many advantages;
- It avoids the “big bang” election day.
- It allows elections to be conducted quietly and calmly in one or two electorates at a time; without the voters being subjected to a national advertising campaign funded by organisations with deep pockets.
- It allows the voters to concentrate their attention on selecting a candidate in their electorate without being bombarded with extraneous material about candidates or issues in other electorates. Instead, electors will be able to choose representatives who will serve and be directly accountable to their community.
- It eliminates the interruption to the normal business of government that occurs with “big-bang” elections.
- It avoids the tendency with “big bang” elections to make extravagant promises, and
- It ensures changes to policy are gradual, predictable and marginal.
Remember that these proposals are subject to approval by the people voting in referendums. If you have suggestions to improve these ideas we welcome all input.