Australia needs a strong national defence In a Nutshell: Many Australians are, or have been, responsible firearm owners and they object to being discriminated against as politically incorrect pariahs because of a couple of maniacs who went on a rampage with a gun. We see no valid reason for a government to disarm citizens using this flimsy excuse as a pretext. Therefore, a Common Law government operating under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 will change the laws to give all Australians the right to own, trade, and use firearms, subject only to some common sense rules. Responsible gun […]
Daily Archives: 07/05/2017
Too great a proportion of Australia’s tax is now bled from low and middle income earners, seniors and small businesses. Originally, we considered abolishing all taxes to be replaced by a single bank transaction tax that would fairly tax everyone, whether they be private individual or corporation. On the surface, this sounded like a great idea. However, we have been giving this a lot of thought and discussing the taxation question with various constitutional experts, and we believe that the People of the Commonwealth are not required to pay any personal taxes. Only companies should be subject to taxation. Our […]
The current political party system is not working. Politicians do not represent the people. Instead, they carry out party policy without referring to the voters who elected them. This has resulted in a dictatorial-style system of government that denies We the People a voice in our own government. Our political institutions derive their power from the people. We the People are the government, but we have forgotten this because the political parties have fed us lies for so long. This is not just rhetoric. It is enshrined in our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900-1. The first words of the […]
Our aim is to put the power into the hands of the people to determine the course our government must take. To do that, the people must have an easy and fast way to make their will known to our elected representatives. We can achieve this through electronic voting in referendums and plebiscites. Security With the growth of the Blockchain we are developing an electronic voting system to work on the blockchain that will protect voters from electoral fraud and scammers. This voting system will be available on the internet to all mobile and desktop users. The system will detect […]